Phantogram's latest album is all style, no substance

If some tracks from Phantogram’s latest album sound like you’ve heard them before, that’s probably because you have.

Sing-along: Philly rockers deepen their following

David Jang/Staff Photographer “You’re Gonna Miss It All manages to capture the very modern blend of frustration, listlessness and resignation felt by a subset of 2014’s technology-obsessed youth. Even if it’s not punk in its purest form, it’s still a…

Gardens & Villa finds its footing

After its self-titled debut release in 2011, the members of Gardens & Villa had no shortage of options.

Hospitality's latest 'less than compelling'

The doldrums of January are an opportunity for a band to make a splash. The general lack of high profile releases leaves a gaping hole waiting to be filled by some hidden gem trying to burst onto the scene and with Trouble, Hospitality makes its case to be the critical darlings of 2014.

And the Grammy goes to …

David Jang/Staff Photographer Music columnist Parker Evans shares his predictions, hopes and lamentations about the upcoming Grammy Awards. Parker Evans [follow id = “parker_d_evans”] Parker Evans is an economics senior and Mustang News music columnist. As America’s musical tastes diverge,…

The Boss’ latest is more than just a collection of odds and ends

Guitars aren’t cool anymore. The kids are picking up synthesizers instead of Stratocasters and rock’s mainstays have been displaced by dancepop and hip hop. Of course, rock has been under attack before and made it through to the other side, largely thanks to the ceaseless work of its lord and savior, Bruce Springsteen.

The best albums of 2013

10. Random Access Memories — Daft Punk. Do other artists get mad at how easy it is for Daft Punk? “Get Lucky,” the most infectiously inescapable song of this summer, seems totally effortless in its breezy melody and disco-chic atmosphere.

English is so 2012: Destroyer releases EP of Spanish covers

English isn’t an easy language to master. It has a wide range of sounds, a specific grammar and syntax, and depending on your definition, the largest vocabulary found anywhere in the world.

Andrew Bird delivers wintry instrumental EP

In another life, Andrew Bird is ghostwriting for Miley Cyrus and One Direction. Even from the early days in the late ’90s backed by his Bowl of Fire band, Bird’s songwriting acumen and ear for melody have always been tremendous.

Action Bronson demands your attention

It should say something that a 5’7″ overweight Albanian American with a ragged red beard draws continual comparisons to Ghostface Killah. Rap-wise, if not aesthetically, it’s a fair assessment, but it’s safe to say there’s nobody in the rap game quite like Action Bronson.

El-P and Killer Mike join forces for a monster debut

The most fun rap album of 2013 doesn’t have a single hands-in-the-air chorus. It doesn’t have a catchy ear worm or a parade of guest verses or even a sing-along hook.