Pageantry 101: From tomboy to pageant princess

Agricultural education and communication senior Elida Moore had no idea what she was signing up for when she agreed to be a part of Miss California Mid-State Fair this past summer. A self-proclaimed tomboy, Moore had shown animals at the fair before, but had never stepped out of the Livestock Pavilion arena and onto the more glamorous setting of the pageant stage.

From Cal Poly grad to pageant princess

Allison Montroy All she saw were the judges. She felt a jolt of energy in her elegant white and gold trim gown as she entered the spotlight. Her hair was big and each curl in its place. The lights…

Student runs for Miss California USA

When business administration senior Heather Hays told her kindergarten class she wanted to be a princess when she grew up, her teacher told her to pick something more realistic. More than 16 years later, Hays is living proof that being…