Takeaways from greek sexual assault action plan

Olivia Proffit [follow id=”ojproffit”] Student leaders in Cal Poly greek life submitted the first draft of the Students Taking Action Towards University Safety plan (STATUS) to administration on Feb. 1. It is currently being reviewed by administrators and will be…

Sexual assault action plan submitted for review

Olivia Proffit [follow id =”ojproffit”] On Feb. 1, student leaders in Cal Poly greek life submitted the Students Taking Action Towards University Safety (STATUS) plan to administration who will edit the plan and return it to greek leaders by next Friday,…

Student leaders respond to reported sexual assaults

Olivia Proffit and Leah Horner [follow id = “ojproffit”] [follow id = “leahlingo”] Since last weekend’s reported sexual assault, fraternities and sororities have been put on social probation, meaning all social events are banned but sisterhood and brotherhood events and meetings within…

New year, new Panhellenic president

Olivia Proffit [follow id = “ojproffit”] After an intense interview process, marketing junior and Alpha Chi Omega member Kristen Henry has been elected Panhellenic President. With her experience as the vice president of philanthropy in her sorority, she feels up to…

Orientation programs to be mandatory for incoming students

Cal Poly’s orientation events will be mandatory for incoming freshman and transfer students come 2015.

Erosion at the ‘P’ makes it unsafe for painters

The “P” has been closed off to the university painting crew that routinely paints the structure. The general public still has access.

The Panhellenic population problem: Cal Poly invites more sororities to accommodate students

Cal Poly plans to invite two new sororities to help spread out the large number of women in existing chapters.

Greek community creates Standards of Excellence system to evaluate chapters

The plan is to have the system implemented by winter quarter.

The only time you can dunk a cop and get away with it

At first, UPD was hesitant to participate. But, they eventually lent out seven officers to be dunked at the event.

New fraternity Delta Tau Delta comes to campus

There’s a new kid on the fraternity block: Delta Tau Delta.

Island Supply ships California vibes nationwide

A glance into their display room is all it takes to understand their “look.”