30-Minute Update: Oil spill contaminates coast, students remember Isla Vista shooting

Mustang News anchors Brittany Graham and Shelley Westerson update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Global resiliency must include response to peak oil

With the onset of the Industrial Revolution, a monumental transformation occurred that has provided us with an advanced ability to reshape the very world that surrounds us. We have developed technologies, made major advances in modern medicine and propelled our…

Severance tax on oil and gas for higher education fails to pass

The California State Assembly Appropriations Committee failed to approve an oil and gas severance tax that was expected to generate $1 billion in revenue for California’s higher education system last month.

BLOG: AB 656 more complicated than at first glance

Reporter uncovers complexity of issues while researching AB 656.

Bill would give CSU $600 million

With a $564 million shortfall for the year, legislators are scrambling for ideas on how to keep the quality of education in California’s school system at its current level while battling the deficit.

Legislation could bring $1 billion to higher ed

Amid a $584 million budget deficit in the California State University system, an assemblyman is presenting legislation that, if passed, would bring a projected $1 billion in funds to state colleges and universities.