Say hello to the dirtiest Congress history has ever seen

While the House majority has been busy carrying on the legacy of its predecessors, Senate Republicans have managed to find the time to confront the work they were sent to Washington for in the first place: to bolster a recovering economy and promote continued job growth.

Covered California rolls over to San Luis Obispo, explains why health insurance is vital for all

The group’s second enrollment period — the time people can apply for health care — began Nov. 15 and goes through Feb. 15.

Covered California helps students get health coverage

“Why do I need health insurance?” According to Christina Lefevre Latner, one of Cal Poly’s Health Insurance Education Project’s (HEIP) campus coordinators, this is a common question students ask.

Obamacare highlights administration’s flaws

I’ve given President Barack Obama every chance to redeem himself on his signature Affordable Care Act (ACA) during the past month and a half. The “train wreck,” as many Congressional Republicans have dubbed it, finally hit me.

Cal Poly students more united than Congress, against Congress

The federal government shutdown, which lasted 16 days, ended on Oct. 17 when President Barack Obama signed a bill raising the debt limit.

Mustang News, Oct. 10, 2013: Affordable Care Act impacts students, Govt. shutdown brings tourists

[follow id= “ashleydevriend”] Mustang News anchor Ashley DeVriend covers today’s biggest news.

Open the government, then control it

For the seventeenth time since 1977, the United States federal government is experiencing a partial shutdown. But it isn’t the first time Republicans and Democrats are at odds to decide who is at fault.

Government shuts down, Education Department furloughs workers

The federal government is officially shut down today after weeks of debate in Washington.

Birth control mandate brings loss of freedom, nausea

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. It was only a matter of time until Sandra Fluke waltzed right into one of my articles. Fortunately for the reader, she has taken a back seat to…