It has been almost a year since President Obama took office, and almost a quarter of his first term has passed. But, for better or worse, we also wave goodbye to a decade. Some are calling it “The Decade from Hell”–and perhaps rightly so.
Sept. 11 mastermind should not be unfairly tried on U.S. soil
I’m all for trying these men for the crimes they claimed to have committed, but it would be a mistake to try them in civilian court, only a short walk away from Ground Zero.
The cycle of liberty continues
Though I would not go so far as to call this treasonous, as some bloggers have, I would say that a greeting representational of an equal relationship between America and Japan.
Freedom or security, you choose
The age-old dichotomy between individual freedom and security from government control is the root issue surrounding the limits on government power.
Government must expand so citizens aren’t left behind
This could be the most exceptional or disappointing political year in recent history. Because of health care reform, Americans have an opportunity to join the rest of the industrialized world in providing universal health care.
BLOG: Obama urged change on Fourth
President Obama gave his weekly address, urging citizens to put forth the same spirit as the country’s first system.
A young liberal’s look back on a historic year
This has been the most fascinating and important political year of my life. As a nation we stood together at a crucial fork in the road. One way led down the crooked, deceptive, and narrow path we’d been travelling for eight years — a path contrary to the image of justice, fairness, and freedom that our nation spent over 200 years developing.
North Korean government deserves world condemnation
Last Thursday, President Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney gave national security speeches on the same day. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says the timing was a coincidence — at least on the President’s side.
Health care reforms not Obama’s Nov. promises
Is Obama’s most recent outline for health care reform really up to what he promised back in November? As a candidate, Obama’s health care platform was multifaceted and ambitious.
FOX News is not a legitimate news source
Members of the Obama administration defended White House communications director Anita Dunn’s statement that FOX News operates “almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party.”