No-shave November do's and don'ts

Happy November Mustang Daily readers! Now that Halloween’s over, the month of November brings new things to look forward to: sweater weather, home-cooked meals for Thanksgiving break, Christmas commercials before we’re even ready to think about it and another tradition…

Top-notch, greasy deliciousness

So I’ve been back in San Luis Obispo for approximately six weeks now, and after being sure to hit up all the food groups every day of the week, by the time Friday comes, it’s time to let someone else…

Uno, dos, tres, QUATRO!

Before my headline invades your brain and you’re singing “Fergalicious” for the next 24 hours (this intro probably didn’t help that cause), read a little further. So we made it through week four. We beat the heat, and a lot…

A list of grievances

Happy week four, readers! This is only my third blog post this year, but I’m already running out of blogging inspiration. Lately, it seems all of my energy has been focused on school, and of course perfecting the Mustang Daily…

Let me entertain you

Hey readers. I realize that’s a pretty lame way to start a blog, but blogging isn’t really my thing — I didn’t exactly become a journalism major to steal Perez Hilton’s thunder. Here’s the deal: to spice things up on…