Mr. Eco’s YouTube videos have more than 620,000 views in total.
SLO’s air quality ‘F’ grade misleading
Jessica Burger San Luis Obispo County residents are often confused by the American Lung Association’s State of the Air report, which this past year placed San Luis Obispo as the ninth most polluted city by ozone with a letter grade…
Mr. Eco looks to a new, green future
Jessica Burger Environmental activist Brett Edwards is envisioning a nation-wide school tour for his sustainability-representing alter-ego, Mr. Eco — but not before finishing up his last quarter at Cal Poly as a business administration senior. Edwards released his debut…
'Get Down to Earth' with Earth Day SLO festival
The Earth Day Alliance (EDA) will host the 22nd annual Earth Day SLO festival on April 22 to celebrate and bring awareness to environmental issues on Earth Day’s 42nd anniversary. This year’s theme, “Get Down to Earth,” aims to get…
De-energizing the Red Bricks
Next month, energy-conscious freshman can look forward to spending less time in the shower, and more time turning off lights. The six red brick dormitories located at the top of the Cal Poly campus will compete in February to see…
Help 'em out, 'Turn Em Out'
Make sure to “Turn Em Out” to support Cal Poly’s Green Campus November Awareness month. Turn Em Out is an awareness campaign, promoted by Green Campus, encouraging students to turn out their lights and other electric appliances when they are…
Mr. Eco looks to environmental future
Mr. Eco is difficult to miss. Wearing a green cape, bright yellow T-shirt, green basketball shorts and “bling” adorned with a compact florescent light (CFL) bulb, students might have seen him at football games, soccer games, during Week of Welcome (WOW)…
Cal Poly student heats up competition for mainstream humorous websites
It was just last week that business administration sophomore Brett Edwards was featured in the Mustang Daily about his alter-ego, Mr. Eco, but he also takes on the role of entrepreneur as he continues to develop his first website,
Student turns superhero — Cal Poly student takes on alter ego ‘Mr. Eco’ to spread the word about going green
Sitting on the first floor of the University Union (UU) in a red t-shirt and bucket hat, business administration sophomore Brett Edwards looks like your standard Cal Poly student.