Cal Poly faces a budget crisis. Inflation is rising, and the entire California State University System needs more money to combat it. It may not be coming, and the campus may have to cut costs, either in the number of…
Time’s Up student march demands change and justice for sexual assault survivors
The march was intended to stand against rape culture and injustice that many survivors face.
Student health fees will increase by $99 per quarter beginning Fall 2018
The fee increase will not affect current Cal Poly students; it will apply to newly admitted students in Fall 2018.
Queer Studies minor is officially available
The goal of the minor is for students to contribute to scholarship, creative production and innovation in Queer Studies.
Queer Crowd marches in silence in response to transgender killings
The killing of six transgender women since the beginning of 2017 led to the silent march.
Armstrong rejects Students for Quality Education’s demands
SQE demanded Armstrong speak out publicly against the Sustainable Financial Model, invest in minority education fields and change Cal Poly’s Student Success Fee structure.
Student stage mock die-in as part of CSU-wide protest
Students protested a multitude of topics, including costs associated with the CSU’s new Sustainable Financial Model.
SLO Solidarity to take a stand in spring
SLO Solidarity may not be as transparent as it appears.
Letter to the editor: On the administration and campus activism
This piece reflects the opinions of Mick Bruckner, a SLO Solidarity Coordinator and political science sophomore. Letters to the editor do not reflect the opinion or editorial coverage of Mustang News. The email that President Armstrong sent out last week…
SLO Solidarity responds to postponement of action plan
SLO Solidarity leaders asked the administration to change its approach.
SLO Solidarity stands strong
SLO Solidarity, a student-led activist group on campus, has stirred up a conversation on campus regarding campus climate, diversity and inclusivity. In the demands sent to Cal Poly’s president’s office, SLO Solidarity called for an action plan. Its demands stated…