Mustang News: Biggest stories of Fall 2013

Mustang News anchors Olivia DeGennaro and Jenna Brown recap the biggest stories of the quarter.

Mustang News Weekly Recap, Dec. 5, 2013: Cal Poly remembers Matt Yount, hosts housing forum

Briana Whitney and Alexis Chetcuti [follow id= “brianawhitney”][follow id= “AlexisChetcuti”] Mustang News anchors Briana Whitney and Alexis Chetcuti recap Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Mustang Sports, Dec. 9, 2013: New sports show name revealed

Trent Merfeld [follow id= “MerfyMerf”] Anchor Trent Merfeld recaps an important weekend for basketball, a record-breaking performance at the AT&T Nationals for the swim team and the memorial for the member of the Cal Poly golf team who died while…

Yount’s ‘unforgettable smile’ remembered at memorial

Former teammates remembered Yount for his fun spirit and sense of humor, sharing tales of old practices and practical jokes they often played on Yount.

Mustang News, Dec. 5, 2013: Cal Poly to honor Matt Yount, ASI votes to stay on quarter system

Mustang News anchor Olivia DeGennaro covers today’s Cal Poly news.

Matt Yount to be honored at vigil

Matt Yount, a business administration junior, passed away on Nov. 21 while studying abroad in Spain. Yount and another Cal Poly student jumped into cold, rushing water on their way back from a bar around 3:30 a.m. The current took Yount downstream. His body was found five hours later.

Candlelight vigil to honor Matt Yount on Thursday

A candlelight vigil will be held Thursday for deceased business administration junior Matt Yount.

CEA president ‘saddened’ by Matt Yount’s death in Spain

CEA’s local team has worked closely with the authorities, the United States Embassy and students on site to memorialize Yount and to determine the cause of the accident, CEA President Marcie Schneider said.

Mustang News, Nov. 26, 2013: Alumnus dies in car crash, students react to controversial party

Mustang News anchor Olivia DeGennaro recaps today’s biggest news at Cal Poly.

Cal Poly student drowns in Spain

A report from Diario de Sevilla, a newspaper in Spain, states that a student — identified at Matthew R. Y. — jumped from a bridge and drowned in the Guadalquivir river at 3:30 a.m. on Nov. 21.