Symposium academic journal looks to evolve

Symposium is a Cal Poly student-run science and mathematics academic journal.

Student teaches math to prisoners

Amanda Meneses Special to the Mustang Daily In high school, Michael Bower tutored his peers in math. Calculus made sense to him, he said, and he was eager to help in any way he could. While at Cal Poly, Bower,…

Department looking to improve math scores

Some 10 percent of freshmen fail their math midterms and start scrambling to save their sinking grades before finals, Cal Poly mathematics professor Adrienne Riley said. But the math department has tools and resources to keep them afloat. Midterms in…

Inquiring minds want to know: math department adopts new methods

Give a student an answer and he will pass the class. Teach the student how to find the answer and he will pass every class. This is the adage adopted by the mathematics department as it implements inquiry-based learning methods…

Students to test their brains in national math competition

On December 4, about two dozen Cal Poly students will attempt to solve complex problems in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition.

Poly profile: Phong Dang

Phong Dang is not unlike many Cal Poly students in that he doesn’t like to talk in class. But with a 3.779 GPA, it’s not because he doesn’t know the answer.

Rossman does the math

In the math world, Allan Rossman is the teaching equivalent of Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps or Michelle Kwan — a gold medalist. He is one of three mathematicians in the U.S. to receive the Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award in January.