The great contraception debate

To say that this present debate over contraception moves in circles is an understatement. There are more twists and turns than a third-rate action movie. The transient faces and figures of all those involved move erratically as strophe and antistrophe…

Coulter's visit is a colossal miscalculation

Ann Coulter is a relic, a bigot, a mystery, a firebrand, a slipped disc, a wrenching gear, a fountain that does not trickle but rather vomits apoplectic sarcasm and such impossibly acidic bile that one wonders how such a substance…

Live From New York: Retriever Derails Romney

There was once a time when the opening sketch of Saturday Night Live (SNL) comprised the most cutting-edge political and social satire to be found among the mainstream outlets of criticism. In a critical landscape, that was at least as…

Same-sex marriage decision presents conservatives with chance to reform

I don’t like Tuesdays. Too often they feel like a dreary extension of all that went unfinished on Monday, and seldom can they match the sunny halfway-there optimism of Wednesday or Thursday’s stoic determination to finish strong. No, Tuesdays have…

Here's to Mitt Romney

I would like to welcome my readers back to another season, another quarter of (slightly more expensive) education, another 11-week formality in our life-long intellectual chrysalis and indeed to another year entirely. For those of you who could not seem…

Occupy needs true leadership to continue sucess

Folks have been pressuring me to write something about the Occupation phenomenon we see blossoming across the country. They thankfully fall short of asking me to shepherd the movement, to insert myself into the precarious politics of the situation at…