The danger of blind American exceptionalism

Jeremy Cutcher is a political science senior and Mustang Daily liberal columnist. The last couple weeks have been an historical time for the Middle East. With demonstrations from Tunisia and Jordan to Egypt and Libya, the region is experiencing a…

Budget battle heats up in recent weeks

Jeremy Cutcher is a political science senior and Mustang Daily liberal columnist.

America, spend today to invest in tomorrow

Jeremy Cutcher is a political science senior and Mustang Daily liberal columnist.

The reality of economic theory today

Jeremy Cutcher is a political science senior and Mustang Daily liberal columnist.

Democrats need to readjust their strategy if they want to win in

It has been almost a year since President Obama took office, and almost a quarter of his first term has passed. But, for better or worse, we also wave goodbye to a decade. Some are calling it “The Decade from Hell”–and perhaps rightly so.