Not just numbers

Zachary Antoyan is a political science junior and Mustang Daily liberal columnist. “I still have violent nightmares and wake up violent and panicking … My worst days are the days after one of my dreams. I wake up and my…

Conservatives: Victims of Liberal Prejudice?

I usually don’t spend time responding to my liberal colleague’s articles, but I believe the last one merited my attention. I write to you all today as a victim of the prejudice expressed in Mr. Andrew Bloom’s latest piece about…

Coulter's visit is a colossal miscalculation

Ann Coulter is a relic, a bigot, a mystery, a firebrand, a slipped disc, a wrenching gear, a fountain that does not trickle but rather vomits apoplectic sarcasm and such impossibly acidic bile that one wonders how such a substance…

Same-sex marriage decision presents conservatives with chance to reform

I don’t like Tuesdays. Too often they feel like a dreary extension of all that went unfinished on Monday, and seldom can they match the sunny halfway-there optimism of Wednesday or Thursday’s stoic determination to finish strong. No, Tuesdays have…

Could the GOP bypass democracy?

There was once a time when election-year fanfare did not make its conquest before the winds shifted toward springtime. The candidates dared not breach that crucial threshold between the TV and your living room during the frigid death throes of…

A prayer for balanced books

Andrew Bloom is an English senior and Mustang Daily liberal columnist.  I have always urged that a limited ignorance of all the twists and turns of procedural nonsense in Congress cannot help but be a healthy habit. Though we continue…

Herman Cain and Justin Bieber in same boat

Besides a broad and dedicated (and lucrative) fan base among the wholesome conservatives and Evangelicals in the flyover states, each figure is a relatively new guest in the foyer of the American popularity machine — and each is presently combating…

Racism evident in GOP-supported voter suppression laws

There has been much discussion since the 2009 inauguration of Barack Obama concerning what American racism and classism might look like in the 21st century. Here was a clear historic anomaly — a black man holding the most sacred office…

A liberal's lament

I want to talk about the experience of being a liberal in today’s intellectual climate. Though I’ve always worn my political sentiments close to the surface, I feel that deeper down there lurks a more transcendental set of beliefs which,…

Renewing faith in renewable energy

Jeremy Cutcher is political science senior and the Mustang Daily liberal columnist.

Looking back at the financial crisis

Government does not belong in every market, but it does need to intervene in markets that are vital to Americans’ well-being, which, for me, includes public safety, education, health and housing. The question should not be if the government should intervene, but rather how the government should do so.