10 stylish summer essentials

Leila has you covered with these 10 must-have summer essentials.

Your 5-step guide to spring cleaning and organizing your closet

Those patterned pants? That crop top? Are you sure you still want to wear them?

Incorporate Pantone's color of the year into your life

Guess what Pantone’s color of the year is.

Best of spring fashion: What's trending

Journalism junior and Mustang News fashion and trend columnist Leila Durmaz tells you about the must-have items for your spring wardrobe.

The truth behind freshmen lies

Within the past two weeks or so, I’ve found myself wondering where the time has gone and how a day can go by so quickly. As spring quarter quickly comes to a close, everything just seems to go by so…

Clean out more than just your room this spring

Half of spring quarter has already flown by and midterms have decided to grace us with their unwelcomed presence — especially this quarter. So with nothing else but midterms on my mind, I decided to be productive and do a…


    Let’s talk #freshmanproblems. Side note: before I go any further, I apologize to those who — like me — despise the use of hashtags anywhere else but on Twitter because this article will contain a few. I remember…

Get out of the dorms and into the sun

With the thundering weather last week, I feel like I shouldn’t be calling this season spring. But now, with Mother Nature beginning to grace us with the beautiful weather we all have been impatiently waiting for, I am incredibly excited.…

Welcome to our (open) house

As I walked to my classes last week, I encountered what seemed to be an endless number of tour groups consisting of parents listening intently and prospective students glancing around to take a look at current students. Needless to say,…

The beginning of an end

Returning to our empty dorm rooms after enjoying an either crazy or relaxing spring break in Havasu, at home and everywhere in between is different compared to our usual return to campus after breaks. Similar to former returns though, I…

Surviving dead week

It’s the beginning of dead week. I really don’t think anything else needs to be said because we all know what this accurately-named week entails: caffeine, all-nighters (though I’ve yet to pull one) and books on books on books (had…