Kassi Luja kluja@mustangdaily.net With the new year comes a new beginning, New Year’s resolutions and even newly enforced California laws. Some of the most notable are Assembly Bill (AB) 1536, AB 970 and AB 1844. Hands-free or voice operated devices…
Laws should be simple and all-encompassing to be fair
We are a country of laws and many would say those laws are what keeps our society civilized and allows us to generally go about our business in an orderly and structured society.
Rights questioned during speech
Cal Poly’s College of Liberal Arts sponsored an event in honor of Constitution Day last Thursday. Dr. Sonu Bedi, a professor of Government at Dartmouth College, gave a lecture on his book, “Rejecting Rights.”
City council delays decision on party policies
More than 130 people attended the SLO City Council meeting Tuesday night, where San Luis Obispo Police Chief Deb Linden presented five strategies to deal with the noise and partying in the community.