Graduates go the road less traveled

Life after graduation is supposed to be full of mundane responsibilities, a “big-kid” job and a general resignation to adult life, right?

Not always.

Dress for success

While the career fair may be serious business, one of the first questions running through your head is probably a bit more superficial: “What am I going to wear?”

The trials and tribulations of engagement during college

Business administration junior Katie Hill didn’t come to Cal Poly expecting to find the person she would spend the rest of her life with. Then, she met chemistry senior Paul Smith.

Inside Area 52

Laura Pezzini Since his first building proposal in 1985, College of Science and Mathematics Dean Phil Bailey has shown a penchant for creating things that will make a difference on campus. Twenty-eight years later, the dean’s passion is still shown in…

What’s your confession?

Laura Pezzini Have you ever had a secret so big, you just couldn’t help but share it? Maybe a secret crush you’re dying to admit to, or something you did that’s been weighing on you? Several hundred other Cal…

Glick looks to move journalism department forward

Laura Pezzini After graduating from college, Mary Glick and her friends took a trip across America with no specific plan, no destination and no rules. “We had an idea and we had a route plan, but if we liked…