Administration radically different from when Armstrong took office

With Cal Poly Vice President of Administration and Finance Larry Kelley’s retirement announcement in May, he became the latest in a string of top administrators to leave the university in the past two-and-a-half years.

Student Success Fee to open more classes, fund diversity efforts

Unless you’ve been checking the Cal Poly Administration and Finance website, you probably didn’t know that the Student Success Fee Allocation Advisory Committee sent a final recommendation to University President Jeffrey Armstrong in January — effectively deciding how the $210 quarterly fee will be spent next year.

Retiring vice president leaves ‘big shoes to fill’

Cal Poly chief financial officer and senior vice president for administration and finance Larry Kelley refers to his 11 years at the university as an adventure.

VP of admin, finance to retire

Larry Kelley, the Cal Poly vice president for administration and finance, is set to retire at the end of the school year, according to a Cal Poly press release.

Proposition 30: What you need to know

Sean McMinn Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong used just one word in a recent interview with CPTV to describe what it would be like if Proposition 30 is defeated: awful. But even Armstrong, who stands to see his university…

Too soon to solidify plan for Proposition 30’s defeat

Sean McMinn Kinesiology senior Laura Charbonneau has seen tuition rise eight times during her four years at Cal Poly. Despite the financial aid she receives, being the last of three children in her family to attend college makes her…

Budget cuts and Student Success impact rising tuition costs

Students entering the California State University system (CSU) in 2012-13 face a dramatically different fee system than those entering the state’s public university system a decade ago. After a financial crash, a recession and the state struggling to deal with…

Appointed committee to begin Success Fee spending

The team assigned to spend the money gained by Cal Poly’s Student Success Fee is set to begin a month-long process that will potentially end with more classes for students. The 11-person group, which includes seven students, held an initial meeting…

Demystifying the money: Tuition

[box]Demystifying the Money is a new Mustang Daily series that will break down Cal Poly student tuition and fees.[/box] California State University (CSU) tuition has more than doubled since 2007, and for the first time in history, CSU students are…

Brown pulls trigger, more budget cuts

California Gov. Jerry Brown released his yearly budget proposal last Thursday, introducing the possibility of additional cuts to the California State University (CSU) system. The proposed cuts come less than a month after a December trigger cut slashed $100 million…

New fee proposed for 'student success'

A newly proposed “Student Success Fee” would help Cal Poly students get the classes they need and finish their degrees on time, Cal Poly vice president for finance Larry Kelley said. The fee was proposed as a solution to state funding…