Welcome to the ’70s: ‘Watergate and Other Solid Gold Hits’

Mustang Daily Staff Report arts@mustangdaily.net As soon as the red, orange and blue circles of light illuminate the stage and the drum set starts tapping a beat, the audience of SLO Little Theatre’s latest production, “Watergate and Other Solid Gold Hits,”…

At SLO Little Theatre, all the world's a stage

[slideshow] I’ll admit it — as a student I haven’t really taken too many opportunities to get to know the people who live here full-time (which is one of the reasons I started writing this column), but I’ve always gotten…

Original musical to honor DJ from the ’50s

Audiences may be shocked to find out Elvis Presley is not the king of rock ‘n’ roll. That title should belong to Alan Freed, a once blacklisted disc-jockey from the ’50s, according to Kevin Harris, director of San Luis Obispo…

Rocky Horror Picture Show hits SLO Little Theatre

When people say they’re going to see the Rocky Horror Picture show, they’re not just going to sit down with a bucket of popcorn to watch a movie.