Mustang News named best website at Associated Collegiate Press conference

The Mustang News staff took home top honors for best website, best feature story and best sports column in addition to 16 other awards this weekend at a national journalism convention.

The (picket) line in the sand

To strike, or not to strike — this is the real question put upon Cal Poly faculty this week as the state faculty union announced plans to strike if current contract negotiations fall through. Beginning April 16, the California Faculty…

Then there were two

The Associated Students, Inc. (ASI), presidential debate saw more than the one anticipated candidate when biomedical senior Nha Ha announced he was running for ASI president against previously unopposed candidate Katie Morrow on Thursday. Ha, who is running as a write-in candidate, said…

Music department honors former trombonist

The Cal Poly Music Department also announced plans to remember former part-time faculty member Roy Main, who died from a stroke in May 2011 at the age of 81. The department will hold a memorial similar to Sears’ on May…

Music department loses its 'heartbeat'

  Ross Sears, a percussion teacher in the Cal Poly music department, died March 18 at the age of 61. Sears, who is most remembered for his boisterous humor, worked in the department as a part-time faculty member for more…

iJournalist, hear me text

Looking around the newsroom today I noticed something: every Mustang Daily nightly staff member has an iPhone, except me. How this happened, I have no clue. One day I’m sitting around and everyone has all their different non-smart phone cells…

It's no wonder I live on coffee

Just a note: This was written before Thanksgiving break because I’m a bit of a slacker some weeks, so enjoy the pre-holiday stress 🙂 I failed to write a blog last week (and the week before) for the very same…

Mustang Daily goes to Florida

Last week, the managing editor and I, accompanied by our advertising coordinator Stephanie Murawski, traveled to Orlando for the ACP/CMA National College Media Convention. Here we learned about some awesome design, inventive reporting and a couple of new ways to…

Do Mustang Daily editors dream of newsprint sheep?

I remember my first Mustang Daily dream: I was sitting at my desk, specifically reserved for the news editor, focusing on the computer intently. On the screen were that day’s pages, which I was laying out. And that was it.…

miSt@kes happpen … but we fix them

So I’m not the best blogger in the world. Actually, I’ve never really blogged before this exact moment, so sitting down to write this is a little daunting. First off, I’d like to say, “Hi” to everybody (and anybody) reading…

Governor Brown cuts CSU’s green

The California State University  system could undergo a $500 million budget cut, according to Governor Jerry Brown’s 2011-12 state budget proposal released Monday.