I’m proud of Mustang News because we failed.
Editor-in-Chief spends all his YOLO dollars on way to St. Louis
J.J. Jenkins likes to have a schedule planned in advance. This week, he’s been buying plane tickets at midnight.
Why our reporting has resulted in $1200 of potential fines
It’s a vicious cycle. We get it, and so does ASI. But it highlights an infringement on the candidates’ right to free speech, the right to speak with a newspaper and have their words distributed to a wider audience.
Mustang News named best website at Associated Collegiate Press conference
The Mustang News staff took home top honors for best website, best feature story and best sports column in addition to 16 other awards this weekend at a national journalism convention.
Editors' picks: From potential campus concerts to a ride with UPD
Our editors dish out their favorites from the week that passed.
Admin oversteps with proposed policy
The editorial board of Mustang News has taken a hard stance against some of greek life’s actions in the past. But when it comes to the ongoing discussions about a new party registration policy, administrators are forcing greeks to swallow policies that go beyond what’s reasonable.
Cal Poly student drowns in Spain
A report from Diario de Sevilla, a newspaper in Spain, states that a student — identified at Matthew R. Y. — jumped from a bridge and drowned in the Guadalquivir river at 3:30 a.m. on Nov. 21.
Mustang Sports, Oct. 7 2013: Mustang Football falls to Yale, Krieghoff breaks soccer record
Mustang Sports anchor Denzel Quarterman recaps the weeks biggest stories in Cal Poly athletics.
Mustang News becomes fifth name of Cal Poly’s newspaper
I should have looked at my watch for an official time of death. But what I can say is that at approximately 8:45 a.m. Friday morning, Mustang Daily was no more.
Coming soon: Mustang News
What’s in a name? The impact is more than we even consider. That’s why, when the journalism department faculty informed student media leaders that Mustang Daily was no more, we were shocked.