Sullivan looks for support to keep Student Success Fee allocation up to campus, not state

Currently, how the Student Success Fee is used is up to the campus. ASI President Joi Sullivan wants to keep it that way.

Water flow restrictions come to campus bathrooms

Modifications have been made to resident hall and public restrooms on campus, as well as resident hall shower heads.

California minimum wage to increase

California’s minimum wage will increase to $10 an hour by 2016. Earlier this month, Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation to raise it to $9 an hour by July 2014 and complete the increase by January 2016.

Mustang News, Oct. 10, 2013: Affordable Care Act impacts students, Govt. shutdown brings tourists

[follow id= “ashleydevriend”] Mustang News anchor Ashley DeVriend covers today’s biggest news.

CSU Chancellor White aims to increase student enrollment

Fresh out of a Board of Trustees meeting where Gov. Jerry Brown warned the California State University system against dwelling on increasing the number of students it enrolls, CSU Chancellor Timothy White did exactly that Friday at a press conference for student media.

Calif. budget still uncertain

California Gov. Jerry Brown proposed his 2013-14 revised California state budget plan Tuesday, showing a potential surplus which has caused much debate over whether the money should be delegated to government programs, or held on reserve.

State budget could put more strain on CSU

The worst-case fiscal scenario for the California State University (CSU) became even worse Monday when Governor Jerry Brown released his May budget revision. The governor opened up the possibility of a $250 million cut to the CSU next year —…

Middle class scholarships to help decrease CA tuition

  California State Assembly speaker John Perez introduced legislation which would cut the rising price of attending public college in California by thousands of dollars per year, but not all are convinced it will pass and become law. The Middle…