UPD: Cal Poly prepared for Sandy Hook-style shooting

Sean McMinn seanmcminn.md@gmail.com After a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School murdered 20 children and six school employees, people at Cal Poly began asking University Police Department Chief George Hughes if the school was prepared for such a shooting. He…

ASI modifies Recreation Center pricing for faculty

Sean McMinn smcminn@mustangdaily.net Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) will lower the Cal Poly Recreation Center’s monthly cost for non-students Friday, but the move isn’t enough for some faculty who say they still can’t afford the cost. More than one year after…

Semester suggestions could impact CP quarters

Sean McMinn smcminn@mustangdaily.net In addition to examining Cal Poly’s possible conversion to semesters — a notion that was ultimately rejected — the Semester Review Task Force presented other ideas that could change campus even if it stays on the quarter system. Most…

Semester conversion conversation hits setbacks

Sean McMinn smcminn@mustangdaily.net A proposal from the university president sparked debate fall quarter when the possibility of semesters coming to Cal Poly lit a flame under the usually sleepy campus. Though a task force studying the issue ended months of work…

Task force recommends staying on quarter system

The president’s Semester Review Task Force unanimously recommended that Cal Poly stay on the quarter system Tuesday, ending a months-long debate on the university’s possible conversion to the semester system. In a report sent to Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong,…

Semester task force opens report writing, postpones until after finals

Mustang Daily Staff Report news@mustangdaily.net The Semester Review Task Force, which was expected to begin drafting a decision today on whether to recommend semesters come to Cal Poly, has postponed its meeting and decided to open it to the public,…

Semester task force insists report writing be private

Sean McMinn smcminn@mustangdaily.net UPDATE, Dec. 6 Cal Poly officials said the Semester Review Task Force’s meeting, which is expected to result in a recommendation to the university president on whether Cal Poly should adopt semesters, will be postponed and open…

Cal State’s controversial chancellor ends 14-year legacy

Sean McMinn smcminn@mustangdaily.net How does one begin to put a label on the career of outgoing chancellor Charles Reed? Some do it by honoring him as an advocate for diversity and as a man who oversaw outreach programs aimed to…

Faculty criticize Armstrong, semesters at final open forum

Sean McMinn smcminn@mustangdaily.net Faculty dominated the last open meeting of the Semester Review Task Force, in which more than 100 attendees outnumbered task force members and demanded answers from university administrators. They threw question after question to Cal Poly President…

Cal Poly names new VP of student affairs

Mustang Daily Staff Report news@mustangdaily.net Cal Poly announced its new vice president of student affairs Tuesday, ending a nearly year-long search that spanned across the country. Keith Humphrey, the current assistant vice president of student affairs at the University of…

Prop 30 narrowly passes, CSU avoids budget cuts

Sean McMinn smcminn@mustangdaily.net Cal Poly students went to sleep Tuesday not knowing if Proposition 30’s outcome would bring a tuition increase or a tuition rollback come January. Hours later, they woke up to learn it would be the latter. It…