Jets, tanks and anti-semitism: Oh my!

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. A long time ago (three years ago if we’re being technical), Egypt and America were allies and that was all fine and dandy. During that time a deal…

Israeli scholar's lecture raises issues of free speech

Chumash Auditorium was nearly full. Many of those waiting were simply students hoping to pick up a few extra credit points. But others were angry.  Some had survived the Holocaust and were not ready to hear criticisms of the state…

Presentation ignites backlash from Jewish community

  Controversy surrounds a university-sponsored speaker slated to present this evening in Chumash auditorium on the Israel-Palestine conflict and its effect on the Middle East. Ilan Pappe, an Israeli-born historian, plans to speak tonight about the Israel-Palestine conflict. Pappe raised…

President Baker goes to Israel

Cal Poly president Warren Baker and other American university leaders visited Israel and Palestine for an intense week-long educational seminar called Project Interchange Seminar in Israel for university presidents that focused on complex issues facing Israel and the region.

Former Israeli soldier speaks for peace in Palestine

Jeff Halper spoke about his experiences as an activist in the Holy Land and what he feels needs to be done to achieve peace.

Al Jazeera documentary draws crowd of more than 100 viewers

Students for Peace and Justice in the Middle East (SPJME) presented the Al Jazeera documentary, “The Promised Land?”, which details the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, to over 100 CP students Wednesday evening.