UCSB dean’s ‘stay away’ message might have been too little, too late

“Everyone already knows what they’re going to do — an ad’s not going to convince them.”

Mustang News, Oct 30, 2013: UCSB warns to stay away, University Store holds Halloween Sale

[follow id= “ChristinaFav”] Mustang News anchor Christina Favuzzi covers today’s biggest news at Cal Poly.

UCSB warns ‘out-of-towners’ to stay away for Halloween festivities

Halloween at Isla Vista, one of the most famous college parties in California, draws tens of thousands party-goers each year. However, UC Santa Barbara doesn’t want the extra people.

Santa Barbara County shuts down Floatopia

The beach below Isla Vista has been shut down as Santa Barbara County officials wants to stop Floatopia from happening at UCSB this weekend. Anyone caught entering the beach will be subject to a citation or arrest.

UCSB cracks down on Halloween

UCSB is expecting from 40,000 to 50,000 visitors in Isla Vista this Halloween weekend. The university and police from around the state are imposing strict regulations in order to prevent the partying from getting out of control.