Cal Poly launches Portfolium network

Cal Poly has just partnered with a company called Portfolium to help give students an edge in finding jobs after graduation.

Inside the Fall Career Fair: What to expect

If there’s anything that makes a college student want to stay in school as long as possible, it’s the fear that comes with searching for a job in the real world.

BLOG: Raising the bar even when interviews aren’t up to par

It is understandable that some people are better speakers than others and some people don’t do as well as others when put on the spot. But what about when the subject just does not seem interested in the topic at all?

From elevator pitches to hypotheticals: tips to stand out in an interview

Congratulations on your 4.0 GPA, 10 years of work experience and your volunteer work at a homeless shelter every Friday and Saturday night.

Landing your dream job: tips for writing resumes and acing interviews

Industrial technology alum and CEO of HATHWAY, a creative agency that leverages open-source technology to provide web design, development and marketing services for businesses, Jesse Dundon shares some secrets for success in finding and securing that dream job.