March 8th is also a day to recognize the persistent global inequity women continue to face.
Study abroad: Thanksgiving away from home
Ask an American what Thanksgiving is all about. They’ll say it’s a time for reflecting on what they’re grateful for. They might even throw in something about pilgrims.
Cal Poly's half percent: International student enrollment
WORDS: Jenna Watson GRAPHIC: Tram Nguyen VIDEO: Erica Husting The first time a Colombian international student learned about Cal Poly’s reputation, it was through a Google search. International students at Cal Poly…
International students adjust to California life
Adjusting to life at Cal Poly, a university with a relatively small international exchange student population, poses obstacles for international students that are often overlooked by the average undergraduate.
In the eye of the riots: Understanding the French riots from an American student's view
emily rancer PARIS – I turn down Boulevard Saint Michel, just across the bridge from the tourist-cluttered Notre Dame Cathedral in the heart of Paris, police cars and vans suddenly line the streets. Armed policeman talk in huddled groups on…
A journey to India
caitlin donnell I woke up to a musty aroma that was so pungent and sharp, that it roused me out of bed. I peered out my porthole that morning from the ship and knew ” we had arrived in India.…
Volunteers fight against polio in Nigeria
Brittany Ridley Twenty-five local Rotary Club volunteers will embark on a 10-day trip to Kano, Nigeria to participate in West Africa’s National Immunization Day from Nov. 8 to 18. The local group, along with hundreds of other volunteers, will participate…
Honk if you have road rage
Julianne Byer I’ll tell you what the big idea is: traffic. That’s right you heard me. I’m talking grid-lock, bumper to bumper, if this Explorer in front of me brakes one more time I’ll personally get out to go and…