30-Minute Update: Memorial held for student killed in Paris terrorist attacks, students speak out against free speech wall

Mustang News anchors Juliet Saunders and Allison Royal update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Study abroad: Thanksgiving away from home

Ask an American what Thanksgiving is all about. They’ll say it’s a time for reflecting on what they’re grateful for. They might even throw in something about pilgrims.

Cal Poly's half percent: International student enrollment

WORDS: Jenna Watson          GRAPHIC: Tram Nguyen          VIDEO: Erica Husting The first time a Colombian international student learned about Cal Poly’s reputation, it was through a Google search. International students at Cal Poly…

International students adjust to California life

Adjusting to life at Cal Poly, a university with a relatively small international exchange student population, poses obstacles for international students that are often overlooked by the average undergraduate.

In the eye of the riots: Understanding the French riots from an American student's view

emily rancer PARIS – I turn down Boulevard Saint Michel, just across the bridge from the tourist-cluttered Notre Dame Cathedral in the heart of Paris, police cars and vans suddenly line the streets. Armed policeman talk in huddled groups on…

A journey to India

caitlin donnell I woke up to a musty aroma that was so pungent and sharp, that it roused me out of bed.  I peered out my porthole that morning from the ship and knew ” we had arrived in India.…

Volunteers fight against polio in Nigeria

Brittany Ridley Twenty-five local Rotary Club volunteers will embark on a 10-day trip to Kano, Nigeria to participate in West Africa’s National Immunization Day from Nov. 8 to 18. The local group, along with hundreds of other volunteers, will participate…

Honk if you have road rage

Julianne Byer   I’ll tell you what the big idea is: traffic. That’s right you heard me. I’m talking grid-lock, bumper to bumper, if this Explorer in front of me brakes one more time I’ll personally get out to go and…