Don't just dine, pair with wine

The joys of being 21 and older in San Luis Obispo County include wine, wine, more wine and some beer. We are near 200 wineries in San Luis Obispo County and a handful of delicious microbreweries as well. This gives…

Juice cleanse: Part two

I suppose I am forced to admit there are always two sides to every story. As much as I am a firm proponent of a well-balanced diet full of a myriad of foods, I will say the weeklong juice cleanse…

Juice detox — is a bikini body worth it?

Some swear by it, but I can’t help myself, I’m a skeptic. The juice cleanse. Is it all it’s cracked up to be? Two weeks ago my best friend watched “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.” She then proceeded to call…

Give into your love of carbs with pasta

An attack on carbs was made a few years ago, and by a doctor no less. Well thanks, but no thanks Dr. Atkins. I gladly stood by carbs’ sides as the hordes of diet-crazed individuals scrammed after the idea of…

Snails, spiders and sea parrots

I took a mini-trip to Los Angeles last weekend and went out to quite a few delicious restaurants. As I sat with my friend and looked at menu after menu, I was delighted when I saw escargot. I was even…

Breaking tradition

After apple pie, what is more American than pecan pie? It originated from the French settlers in New Orleans after they were introduced to pecans by the Native Americans. It is a sweet treat, and I absolutely love it. I…

The baker and the bread maker

Heather Rockwood is a food science senior and Mustang Daily food columnist. January is a time for fresh beginnings and new resolutions. Across the nation people are excited to jump start the new year with a healthier lifestyle, at least…

Gift jars spice up holiday gift exchanges

Black Friday just passed and hundreds of thousands of people waited outside to get the best deals on this year’s hottest items. Many people think this is the absolute best time for stocking up on Christmas presents for loved ones…

How to stay healthy during the holidays

Heather Rockwood is a food science senior and Mustang Daily food columnist. Holiday eating. Most people will insist you have to choose happy or healthy when it comes to eating during the holiday season. The decadent desserts and indulgent entrees…

The Thanksgiving debate: How will you cook your turkey?

Heather Rockwood is a food science senior and Mustang Daily food columnist. There are few days throughout the year in which we celebrate food more than we do with the bountiful harvest of Thanksgiving dinner filling our plates. It is…

Hold the cheese … and the eggs, milk and meat

Heather Rockwood is a food science senior and Mustang Daily food columnist. “Vegetarian is a diet choice; vegan is a lifestyle change.” That was what my cousin told me earlier this summer. This was part of the reason she didn’t…