30-Minute Update: San Luis Obispo Police Department increasing fines for some violations Halloween weekend, Crops Club holds annual haunted corn maze

Mustang News anchors Monica Roos and Avrah Baum update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

30-Minute Update: Long lines at the health center, haunted corn maze

Mustang News anchors Taylor Phillips and Ashley DeVriend recap Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Committee isn’t loving in grievance decision

A Cal Poly judiciary committee ruled to not reinstate journalism professor Bill Loving as department chair on Nov. 29.

Journalism hearing sparks heated debate

A formal grievance hearing concerning College of Liberal Arts Dean Linda Halisky’s removal of journalism department chair Bill Loving was held on Friday, November 19. The hearing (which was the first in Cal Poly’s history) was called because Loving said…