College is about studying, meeting new people, discovering passions and even attending an occasional party. Between all of these different aspects of college life, many students forget how to stay healthy.
SLO County sees more than 200 whooping cough cases
San Luis Obispo County has seen 210 of approximately 900 confirmed, probable or suspect cases of pertussis, or “whooping cough,” in the state so far this year, according to San Luis Obispo Public Health Services.
Be a conscious coffee addict
We have a rich cultural heritage in coffee, and though many people still cling to the old health myths, recent studies are discovering that the regular use of coffee holds health benefits ranging from a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes to the possible prevention of Alzeimers.
Local physician bolsters student awareness of health effects of alcohol
A local physician and former alcoholic strives to promote national student awareness of the little-publicized effects of alcohol, including various cancers and osteoporosis.
Mental challenge of injury almost as burdensome as physical pain
While sports-related injuries often play havoc with the intercollegiate roster, the real burden on injured Cal Poly athletes is often more mental than physical.
Are the health benefits worth the extra cost of organic food?
Is buying the organic option worth the extra money? When faced with a decision between two varieties of food, one costing less than the other, college students might be inclined to pick the cheaper option.
Eating competitions not taken lightly
A five pound burrito, 50 hot dogs and hot wings so spicy you have to sign a waver to eat them — sounds like enough food to feed an army.
“Film for Thought” festival emphasizes food controversies
The “Film for Thought” Film Festival next week offers an opportunity for the people of San Luis Obispo to learn about some of the social and economic issues related to food and health.
H1N1 vaccine coming to Cal Poly
Ever since the first H1N1 cases in San Luis Obispo County were confirmed April 30, 2009 the question on everyone’s mind is where are the vaccines.
Cal Poly to conduct largest campus health study
A research project initiated in 2007 by the Cal Poly kinesiology department, will examine the physical health of college students and their awareness.
Uncovered: Many Poly students don’t plan ahead for health coverage
As graduates are enter the “real world” they will most likely look for jobs, places to live and … health insurance. Most students do not know about health care.