Cal Poly employee diagnosed with bacterial meningitis

The employee is receiving medical care and there are no indications of any additional cases on campus at this time.

One is one too many

Most Cal Poly students can tell you the story of Carson Starkey. They’ll tell you he was a Cal Poly student lost to alcohol poisoning in 2008. His story is retold every year in hopes of raising awareness about alcohol poisoning and looking out for fellow students.

Behind the scenes of sexual assault

Safer is fighting a misconception that college campuses don’t reprimand students found guilty of sexual assault.

Midterm madness hits Cal Poly

Laura Pezzini Lately, biological sciences senior Madison Walter can usually be found in the Robert E. Kennedy Library. That is, while she’s not in class. “I study between all my classes, and then probably about six hours every night,”…

Saving green on campus

Life can be tough for a college student. First, there’s time management: How does one balance school, and maybe a job, with pressing social commitments? But perhaps even more stressful is balancing a budget. Money can be tight, so the…

Demystifying the Money: Health Services and Health Facilities fees

This is the fifth and final installment in our Demystifying the Money series, which breaks down Cal Poly student tuition and fees. It’s there for students’ cuts, bruises, worries, allergies, emergencies and day-to-day check-ups. Cal Poly’s Health and Counseling Services,…