De-energizing the Red Bricks

Next month, energy-conscious freshman can look forward to spending less time in the shower, and more time turning off lights. The six red brick dormitories located at the top of the Cal Poly campus will compete in February to see…

Mr. Eco looks to environmental future

Mr. Eco is difficult to miss. Wearing a green cape, bright yellow T-shirt, green basketball shorts and “bling” adorned with a compact florescent light (CFL) bulb, students might have seen him at football games, soccer games, during Week of Welcome (WOW)…

Student turns superhero — Cal Poly student takes on alter ego ‘Mr. Eco’ to spread the word about going green

Sitting on the first floor of the University Union (UU) in a red t-shirt and bucket hat, business administration sophomore Brett Edwards looks like your standard Cal Poly student.

Poly Canyon energy competition heats up

Taking long hot showers, doing small loads of laundry, and leaving a computer on all night are just some of the habits the Green Campus Program is encouraging students to eliminate in its first Poly Canyon Village Energy Competition.