Graduate blazing own trail

Google the phrase “graphic designer,” and Jessica Greenwalt’s name appears in the top 10 search results of more than 60 million. In a job market full of uncertainty — in which college graduates regularly take jobs far below their aspirations…

GrCI ships business building techniques via UPS

When UPS wanted to reinvent its printing program to bring itself into the digital era, it turned to Cal Poly.

From Russia with Love

Professor talks about teaching in a foreign country and how his college Russian language lessons paid off.

Read the fine print: Cal Poly welcomes International Printing Week

The Cal Poly Graphic Communication (GrC) Department will honor the Dow Jones & Company, among others, during its annual International Printing Week, which runs from Jan. 25 to 28. The event is meant to host and honor various industry members…

Student wins first in poster contest

Graphic communication senior Brandon Lutze won first place for his “Rethink Print” themed poster in the Graphic Arts Education and Research Foundation (GAERF) 2010 Student Design Competition.

Teacher feature: Graphic communication lecturer Nancy Cullins

A teacher feature with lecturer Nancy Cullins of the graphic communication department.