Trump’s decision to partially shutdown the government has stirred up many emotions in the country and the effects have stretched to Cal Poly’s campus. Environmental management and protection junior Shelby Littleton visited a few national parks over winter break and…
Cal Poly students more united than Congress, against Congress
The federal government shutdown, which lasted 16 days, ended on Oct. 17 when President Barack Obama signed a bill raising the debt limit.
Time for real budget solution
“We have our government back!”
After the sixteen-day government shutdown, those are probably the last five words any American citizen wants to hear.
Mustang News Weekly Recap, Oct. 17, 2013: Government reopens, Lassiter stands out on soccer field
[follow id= “MustangNewsTV”] Mustang News anchors Briana Whitney and Olivia DeGennaro cover this week’s top news at Cal Poly.
Representation limits our flexibility
This past week while I pitched my tent in line at Starbucks in the University Union, I noticed the television on the wall was, like clockwork, playing one of those national news stations that isn’t NPR.
Mustang News Weekly Recap, Oct. 10, 2013: Govt. shutdown update, phone theft in downtown SLO
[follow id= “MustangNewsTV”] Mustang News anchors Trent Merfeld and Ashley DeVriend recap this week’s biggest stories at Cal Poly.
Editorial: On government shutdown, save bickering for later
For all the national talk of what the federal government shutdown is doing in Washington, D.C., it can be easy to overlook the effect it’s having at Cal Poly. But it’s already taking a toll.
Mustang News, Oct. 10, 2013: Affordable Care Act impacts students, Govt. shutdown brings tourists
[follow id= “ashleydevriend”] Mustang News anchor Ashley DeVriend covers today’s biggest news.
I don’t want to talk about the shutdown
But I don’t wanna talk about the shutdownnnnn.
This past summer, I worked at a camp; it wasn’t any specific type of camp, it was just summer camp.
Open the government, then control it
For the seventeenth time since 1977, the United States federal government is experiencing a partial shutdown. But it isn’t the first time Republicans and Democrats are at odds to decide who is at fault.