Massive student interest led to new political science minor

A survey of 800 students was conducted, questioning whether there would be interest in a minor and if students would be likely to take it, political science professor Matthew Moore said.

Cal Poly escapes immediate effects of government shutdown

The United States federal government officially shut down at midnight eastern time last night, leading to furloughs of thousands of government employees, including more than 90 percent of the Department of Education’s staff.

Government shuts down, Education Department furloughs workers

The federal government is officially shut down today after weeks of debate in Washington.

Government: a bigger problem than you think

Conservative columnist welcomes students back from spring break with an in-depth discussion about the government, and how it can be improved.

General to command attention in controversial lecture

The Cal Poly Performing Arts Center will welcome General Stanley McChrystal and his lecture, titled “The State of International Affairs and the Security Challenges Facing America,” tonight in the Christopher Cohan Performing Arts Center (PAC).

Laws should be simple and all-encompassing to be fair

We are a country of laws and many would say those laws are what keeps our society civilized and allows us to generally go about our business in an orderly and structured society.

ASI Board of Directors candidates: Part II

The College of Liberal Arts will be the most competitive race for the board of directors, with 12 candidates running for four positions to represent 2,587 students.