Chick-fil-A debate hits Cal Poly

  Cal Poly’s on-campus Chick-fil-A became the local center of a nationwide controversy last week as people on both sides of the gay marriage debate visited the restaurant to make their opinions known. On Wednesday, tourists, locals and Cal Poly…

Chick-fil-A supporters protest on campus

    Hungry families, tourists and locals visited Cal Poly’s Chick-fil-A on Wednesday to eat the restaurant’s signature chicken sandwiches and express their support of Chick-fil-A president and chief operating officer (COO) Dan Cathy’s public stance against gay marriage. “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” was announced last…

Same-sex marriage decision presents conservatives with chance to reform

I don’t like Tuesdays. Too often they feel like a dreary extension of all that went unfinished on Monday, and seldom can they match the sunny halfway-there optimism of Wednesday or Thursday’s stoic determination to finish strong. No, Tuesdays have…

Prop 8 trial should have been broadcast

The trial on the constitutionality of Prop 8 in a California district court should have been televised.