Professor speaks out in opposition to new registration policies

Harvey Greenwald, mathematics professor, will bring his concerns pertaining to the new registration policy before the Academic Senate this Tuesday.

Cal Poly unit caps still uncertain, no response from Chancellor’s Office

Cal Poly has requested their engineering and science-based programs be exempt from the 180 unit cap.

Psych study analyzes what students actually do in class

When psychology professor Gary Laver looks out at General Psychology (PSY 202), he can only see backs of laptops. He has no idea what students are actually doing.

Semester survey sent to Cal Poly students

Sean McMinn Cal Poly took the latest step to deciding on the possibility of semester conversion this past week by launching a survey to gauge the campus’ attitude about semesters and quarters. The Semester Review Task Force has discussed the survey,…

Professing their love: Faculty share love stories

They’re the closest thing to celebrity couples Cal Poly has: married professors. Most Cal Poly students have probably had a class with one or two at some point in their college career. They’re in the middle of a lecture, expounding…