Art Central, a store for artists by artists

Art Central isn’t your everyday arts and crafts store. Selling professional-grade materials, Art Central is a match made in heaven for any local artist, art student or someone that simply wants to dabble in the arts a bit more.

A walk through ‘God’s Ear’

Tayler Duprel A Cal Poly production, “God’s Ear,” will be accompanied by an art gallery filled with students’ and community members’ work this November. The gallery, sponsored by Cal Poly’s Theatre and Dance Department, is intended to help viewers…

UAG displays Type Directors Club design winners

The Type Directors Club 55th International Traveling Show of typography competition winners is on display for the first time in the University Art Gallery now through Feb. 20.

Students’ “Best” on display in University Art Gallery

Cal Poly’s annual Juried Student Exhibition is now displaying the best of student art in the University Art Gallery. Cal Poly’s annual Juried Student Exhibition will be on display until May 1.