The only time you can dunk a cop and get away with it

At first, UPD was hesitant to participate. But, they eventually lent out seven officers to be dunked at the event.

Along for the ride

I didn’t know if I was supposed to be nervous. I wondered if I needed to be.

Officer discusses “Decision Making and the Law” class

“Decision Making and the Law” is a class for Cal Poly students who commit offenses ranging from alcohol and drug violations to truancy, according to the University Police Department (UPD) website. A student who committed such an act would be…

Have a bike or skateboarding citation?

Get caught running a stop sign? There is a way you can reduce the fees for bicycle and skateboarding citations: Apply for the Cal Poly Skateboarding Diversion or Bicycle Diversion Class. Completing the course and presenting the certificate of completion…