30-Minute Update: Cal Poly joins national earthquake drill, LGBTQIA community celebrates National Coming Out Day

Mustang News anchors Michelle Logan and Julian Del Gaudio recap Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Mustang News: Biggest stories of Fall 2013

Mustang News anchors Olivia DeGennaro and Jenna Brown recap the biggest stories of the quarter.

Mustang News, Dec. 4, 2013: Community responds to new student housing

Christina Favuzzi [follow id= “ChristinaFav”] Mustang News anchor Christina Favuzzi recaps today’s biggest news at Cal Poly.

‘Nava-hos’ party unanimously criticized at forum

Attendees at a campus forum Friday spent more than an hour criticizing a “Colonial Bros and Nava-hos”-themed party Cal Poly is investigating, as well as the students who participated in it.

Mustang News Weekly Recap, Nov. 7, 2013: New housing on campus, Republican club tears down wall

Lisa Diaz and Kim Westlund [follow id= “vaya_con_diaz”][follow id= “kimwestlund”] Mustang News anchors Lisa Diaz and Kim Westlund recap the week’s biggest news at Cal Poly.

California reformers to host symposium at the PAC

The Institute for Advanced Technology & Public Policy will host a panel on legislative reform at the Christopher Cohan Performing Arts Center on Friday at 10 a.m.

Art and entrepreneurship to collide at forum

Kelly Trom ktrom@mustangdaily.net Think business and creativity don’t mix? The Cal Poly Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) wants to prove the stereotype wrong today in its November Forum, Entrepreneurship and the Arts: The Impact of the Technology Revolution. “Entrepreneurship…

Entrepreneurship Forum discusses giving back

  In today’s world, companies can be successful while also doing good for the world. This was a main topic at the Social Entrepreneurship and the Triple Bottom Line Forum in Chumash Auditorium Tuesday. The forum focused on companies and entrepreneurs…

Fee forum has little turnout

The continued effort to educate students on the proposed Student Success Fee left associate vice provost Kimi Ikeda “disappointed in the number of students who have been coming,” she said. Six students were present at Wednesday night’s forum. Ikeda is…