30-Minute Update: Memorial held for student killed in Paris terrorist attacks, students speak out against free speech wall

Mustang News anchors Juliet Saunders and Allison Royal update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

30-Minute Update: How a possible faculty strike may affect students, Cal Poly releases a report on its financial future

Mustang News anchors Clara Knapp and Allison Edmonds update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Watch: Chancellor White holds open forum

You can watch a full recording of Chancellor White’s forum here.

Campus master plan forum raises concern over agricultural land use

What will Cal Poly look like in 20 years? At an event in the atrium of Kennedy library on Thursday, students, staff, faculty and the SLO community were invited to express their ideas and input about the multiple versions of conceptual maps.

5-Minute Update: Roof collapse forum, Pet de-stressors in the library

Mustang News anchor Alexa Bruington covers this week’s top stories at Cal Poly.

Forum sparks conversation about St. Fratty’s Day

President Jeffery D. Armstrong, Vice President for Student Affairs Keith Humphrey and ASI President Joi Sullivan led the discussion.

President Armstrong, city officials respond to roof collapse

The university is currently gathering facts on the events of last Saturday’s St. Fratty’s Day roof collapse as well as working to incorporate student dialogue into the investigation according to Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong.