Mardi Gras, Cal Poly and the ‘biggest celebration west of the Mississippi’

Brian De Los Santos The first thing Graham Updegrove heard was screaming. Then the entire crowd started running. “I didn’t even look back, I just kind of started running as well,” Updegrove said. “I took a couple of steps…

Foothill bad for student foot, bike traffic

Laura Pezzini Concerns about safety at the intersection of Foothill and California boulevards have led to recent heightened awareness of the area from the San Luis Obispo Police Department (SLOPD). The sheer amount of traffic running through the intersection…

Accident stops traffic on Foothill Boulevard

A two-vehicle accident Friday afternoon prompted the University Police Department (UPD) and San Luis Obispo police to work together and close traffic on Foothill Boulevard headed toward Cal Poly’s campus. The accident occurred when a Nissan Altima headed toward California…