Tuesday Tunes: Dead week edition

The rest of your life might depend on that one final. At least you have tunes, right?

Top 7 tips for finals preparation

Photos by Anne Knapke/Multimedia Journalist Aja Frost [follow id=”ajavuu”] Birds are chirping, flowers are blooming and the line at Starbucks is even longer than usual — which means finals are in the air! If you’ve only made it to that…

Mustang Minute: Cats in Kennedy

Cats and Cal Poly students got a little extra love in the library on Thursday. Christina Favuzzi sees how the cats help students relax before finals.

The body after Adderall: Is it worth it?

Sam Gilbert is a journalism sophomore and Mustang Daily health columnist. It’s the week we’ve all been dreading since the moment winter quarter began. Yes, you guessed it: dead week. In my opinion, the buildup to finals is almost worse…

Library braces for finals week

The word “busy” can be found in the dictionaries at the Robert E. Kennedy Library. Or, students can always just look around to see the word in action because winter quarter finals are coming, and the library staff is preparing…