Mustang News, Jan. 30, 2014: CLA could see fee increase, Hearst Castle drains Neptune Pool

Mustang News anchor Olivia DeGennaro covers today’s top stories at Cal Poly.

New fee proposed for 'student success'

A newly proposed “Student Success Fee” would help Cal Poly students get the classes they need and finish their degrees on time, Cal Poly vice president for finance Larry Kelley said. The fee was proposed as a solution to state funding…

California State University approves tuition increase

The California State University Board of Trustees Committee on Finance approved a two-step tuition increase to ensure quality service to incoming and continuing students, despite some opposition.

Fee increases cause lawsuit for CSU

Two California State University (CSU) students filed a lawsuit last week against CSU to prevent the 20 percent fee increase that the CSU board of trustees approved on July 21.