How to become an official SLO resident

You’re all settled in your dorm room. You have thousands of pictures covering your walls and bulletin board. Your extra-long twin bed is made. You have everything in the perfect spot. Now what? Get out of that dorm room! Whether you have lived in the same city your whole life or have moved around to all 50 states, everyone has the same chance to explore the interesting city where you’re attending college. With luck, you will be spending four — or more — amazing years in San Luis Obispo. It is never too early to discover what your favorite hangouts and activities will be.

What to do with your Valentine, without going broke

Ashley DeVriend A college budget doesn’t allow for an extravagant Valentine’s Day. The classic dinner-and-movie night is a date to fall back on, but isn’t the best way to keep the cost down. Luckily for us, San Luis Obispo…

Farmers market to grow this summer

Weaving through the crowd during San Luis Obispo’s Farmers’ Market may get a little easier this summer. The Thursday night tradition will expand its borders to include Morro Street between Higuera and Monterey streets from July 1 to Sept. 30.…

From press to the people: Alumnus sells homemade T-shirts

One booth stands out from all the rest at the San Luis Obispo Farmers’ Market on Thursday nights. Phil Hurst’s homemade T-shirt stall lights up, transforms into a trailer and towers higher than any other booth at the market. Hurst graduated from…

So spring has sprung: now what?

[slideshow] Welcome back, everyone. Does anyone else feel like spring break was a bit too short? Yeah, me too. Here we are in spring quarter, which means the weather is going to be tempting us more and more to skip…