Erhart Agriculture gets a new roof

Construction began this week on the rooftop of the agriculture building. It is estimated to be completed at the end of the month.

Trailing forward: staff member looks to improve pathway

Kaitlyn Henry Special to the Mustang Daily Nancy Reid has a vision. She wants to create a new terrace and pathway along the back side of Clyde P. Fisher Science Hall (Building 33). She has drawn up a plan with…

Mr. Eco looks to environmental future

Mr. Eco is difficult to miss. Wearing a green cape, bright yellow T-shirt, green basketball shorts and “bling” adorned with a compact florescent light (CFL) bulb, students might have seen him at football games, soccer games, during Week of Welcome (WOW)…

No holidays for campus construction projects

While classes ended for Cal Poly students over the 2010 winter break, construction projects on campus continued as usual and took advantage of the absence of students.