Failing your New Year’s resolution? Don’t worry, everyone else is, too

If you have already nixed your New Year’s resolution to lose weight, don’t sweat it. Experts say many diets are actually destined for failure when approached in certain ways.

Excessive exercise: Treading the line between a healthy habit and a problem

Whether it be hiking Bishop Peak or participating in a workout class at the Recreation Center, Cal Poly provides plenty of ways to stay fit. In fact, that’s one of the main features that sets this community apart. At what point, however, does the goal to become fit go from being healthy to obsessive?

Keep your New Year’s resolution? There’s an app for that!

Aryn Sanderson The easiest part of New Year’s resolutions? Making them. The hardest? Keeping them. Today is National Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution Day. But if you haven’t broken your 2013 resolution yet, these smart phone apps — and…

Gregory Heath on exercise: ‘More of the Same is Not Enough’

Sam Gilbert is a journalism sophomore and Mustang Daily health columnist. It’s that time of the year where we go from tanning at the Recreation Center between classes to digging up our rain boots and scarves. That’s right: November is…

Unpacking the pounds: the freshman 15 demystified

While the Freshman 15 is a myth, adjusting to a new lifestyle can effect the health of first-time college students.

Study examines relationship between exercise, hunger

When kinesiology assistant professor Todd Hagobian was an undergraduate student at University of Southern California, he was training on his bike seven days a week. He’d bike anywhere from one to five hours a day, while only taking a day off…

The other benefits of cardio exercise

Hopefully you have all had a chance to visit our new Recreation — or Rec — Center by now, and have found the time in your busy schedules for the five minutes it takes to register with the new HandKey…

Fight the aftereffects of holiday treats with a few simple tricks

The holiday season is a time for family, friends, gifts and, most importantly, food. However, before taking a bite into that huge slice of apple pie or extra helping of mashed potatoes and gravy, here are a few tips to avoid returning in January with some extra holiday poundage.

Cal Poly students start fitness business

A Cal Poly couple open Sleeping Tiger Fitness, a physical fitness business that also offers martial arts training.