So long to Cal Poly senior athletes

(Photo courtesy of Melissa Lundie) Erin Abzug Joey Wagman Business administration senior and right handed pitcher for the Cal Poly baseball team. After graduating this spring, Cal Poly’s talented pitcher hopes to go on to play professional baseball. The…

Counselors say drinking is less popular than it seems

As college brings students an education, a new environment and a new social circle, it also brings students exposure to more alcohol. Alcohol has always been a concern on college campuses, but getting drunk on the weekends might not truly be everyone’s first choice of an activity, even though it may seem so.

Green club gives students ways to make a change

Erin Abzug We have been hearing the saying “go green” for a while, but it is now circulating more often as sustainability and recycling have become popular themes. There are fliers around campus and recycling bins in every building…

Cal Poly Open House brings more than just crowds

Erin Abzug Cal Poly’s Open House event draws a huge crowd of accepted students, perspective students and their families into the San Luis Obispo area. San Luis Obispo Police Department Lieutenant Bill Proll said in regards to complaints from locals…

College town makes for fast job turnovers

Erin Abzug Downtown stores and restaurants are constantly serving a mass of college students and residents on a daily basis. Many employees of these businesses are college students themselves. Scheduling around all employees’ commitments can present complications for managers,…

Valentine’s Day isn’t always candy and roses

Erin Abzug With all the hype about the perfect Valentine’s Day, it’s almost expected that something is going to go wrong. The ones that go wrong, however, are the ones worth remembering. A good-hearted act that did not turn out…

What to do when career fair is not for you

Erin Abzug After a safe four years or more of a structured routine, graduation and stepping out into the real world can be extremely unsettling. Students put in a lot of effort at Cal Poly and are driven to…

Students do ‘odd’ jobs

Erin Abzug Although Cal Poly students are very successful at landing jobs after receiving their degrees, sometimes the jobs students work at prior to graduation are a little random. Here at Cal Poly, there is no exception. Cal Poly’s…

The world didn’t end, now what?

Erin Abzug “I don’t believe in that mumbo jumbo,” communication senior Alex Loeffelman said. Was it really “mumbo jumbo” that the world was predicted to end or did the Mayans have a valid prediction? The prediction of the end…

Holiday gift guide: a gift for everyone

Erin Abzug During the holidays, food seems to fall on our plates, the weather changes with the time and family comes together. But the stress of buying gifts comes before relaxing and warm holiday nights can be enjoyed. With…

Election: Propositions at a glance

Proposition 30 Proposition 30‘s goal is to fund state budgets and to prevent further spending reductions to education programs. For those that earn an income of over $250,000, taxes would be increased for seven years. In addition, sales taxes would…