30-Minute Update: Memorial held for student who died in car crash, Cru reaffiliated
Mustang News anchors Avrah Baum and Daniel Park update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.
Mustang Minute: Students fill advising centers to prepare for registration
Ashley DeVriend [follow id= “ashleydevriend”] Mustang News reporter Ashley DeVriend takes a look at how students are handling the registration rush.
Budget cuts cause enrollment cuts
Cal Poly, along with the rest of the colleges in the California State University system, was told by the chancellor’s office to cut student numbers this year in order to save money. The decision put Cal Poly on track to meet the required enrollment target set by the chancellor’s office of 15,702 full time equivalent students.
Poly to offer more summer school courses than ever
Due to the state budget crisis, both Cal Poly and Cuesta College’s summer school funds have been cut. Cal Poly, however, will continue to offer courses under the self-supporting office of Continuing Education. While more than double the amount of Cal Poly courses will be offered, they will also be more expensive.