“We can think of it like an automatic sprinkler,” mechanical engineering senior Daniel Santoro said.
Cal Poly awarded $340,000 grant to research satellite solutions
Students and faculty will work with the local California Cybersecurity Institute (CCI) and Cal Poly’s Digital Transformation Hub to develop solutions for issues regarding space satellites.
Students bring solar powered projects to Ghana
Three teams of Cal Poly students traveled to Ghana to complete three solar power engineering projects in June 2019 within the small village of Agbokpa.
Senior project AmpSurf will aid with easier surfing for persons with disabilities
An interdisciplinary senior project class (ENGR 459) is working with a national non-profit to help people with disabilities surf. AmpSurf is a non-profit national organization headquartered in Pismo Beach “established to Promote, Inspire, Educate and Rehabilitate (PIER) all people with disabilities…
Students and faculty are working to turn algae into fuel — eight years in the making
Algae is not that exciting to look at. The green blob does not seem like it is up to much, but it’s actually busy all day long — converting sunlight to energy. That energy can be used to create fuel,…
Students to race Hyperloop pod at SpaceX headquarters
Cal Poly Hyperloop President and mechanical engineering senior Sam Flood and his team only had 15 minutes to answer questions fired at them before the Skype call was cut off. The stakes were high – on the other end of…
Pixar lighting director to speak about navigating male-dominated fields
Pixar executive will speak on campus about diversity and inclusion regarding women in the field of computer science.
Cal Poly sophomore launches two “Moustronauts” into space
One small feat for man, one giant leap for mousekind.
Why students may want to think twice before accepting a job at Tesla
Given Musk’s current streak of behaviors, students may want to think twice about accepting a position with the company.
Cal Poly’s Color Coded focuses on diversity in engineering
Color Coded, a new club at Cal Poly, is shedding light on the issue of diversity in the computer sciences both in the field and on-campus. The club was founded in Spring 2018 by software engineering sophomore Simon Ibssa and…
Ten years of helping hands with QL+
Currently, the club works to create prosthetic hands for a local nine-year-old boy who lost parts of nine of his fingers in a car accident last April.